Top 10 must-read books for pilots
It feels great to get on the ground after the intensive flying season. Considering pilot job as one of the most busy we still believe there are special moments to refresh yourself with a cup of hot tea and a book in your hand. Therefore, we prepared a list of ten aviation related books, including professional and fiction literature, which are recommended by readers to be on every pilot’s bookshelf. Whether you are a professional pilot or planning to become one, these books are well worth of your attention. So enjoy reading!
1. Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying by Wolfgang Langewiesche |
This book is an all-time aviation classic and it should be on every pilot’s must-read list. First published in 1944, the book remains relevant even nowadays as it has become standard text for aviators. “Stick and Rudder” specifies the most important phases of the art of flying: what the pilot does, how he does, and why he does when he operates the airplane. Content of the book is applicable for small and large, old and new airplanes. Also it is beneficial not only to the beginner but also to the accomplished pilot and to the instructor himself.
2. Weather Flying by Robert N. Buck |
One more valuable piece of professional literature for pilots. Considered as the bible of weather flying, this book gives precise guidelines for pilots and even for the least experienced fliers how to fly in all kinds of weather. The book includes such topics as weather research and techniques for flight forecasting, vital charges in weather-related procedures and reporting, the latest advances in flight weather services and many more.
3. The Spirit of St. Louis by Charles A. Lindbergh |
Being the classic in aviation history, this magnificently written book is an epic aviator’s adventure tale of all time. Book’s author, Charles A. Lindbergh, is best known for its famous nonstop flight from New York to Paris in 1927 as it changed the history of aviation. “The Spirit of St. Louis” takes the reader on an extraordinary trans-Atlantic journey in a single-engine plane. As well as provides insight into the early history of American aviation and includes some great fuel conservation tips.
4. The Flying Life: Stories for the Aviation Soul by Lauran Paine |
Another great fiction for pilots! This book is a universal reading for pilots as well as for all aviation enthusiasts. Written by a retired military and airline pilot, also RV-8 builder and owner, “The Flying Life” is composed of diverse pilot related stories. Particularly those who admire small airplanes and tiny airports, and a life of private aviation sector should take a chance to read it.
5. The Next Hour: The Most Important Hour in Your Logbook by Richard L. Collins |
Considering flight safety as the thing that matters, this book should be added to the pilot’s professional literature list. The author shares his personal experience, enriching it with real life examples, to illustrate the key points of safe flight and to make practical applications for pilots how to manage the risks. Thus it as a great book which will help to ensure that every flight hour gets safer.
6. 50 Real-World Pilot Tips by Mark Robidoux |
Full of colorful illustrations, diagrams and photographs the book gives plenty of significant advises for pilots. Short and straight to the point but at the same time informative tips will help real life pilots to simplify the management of the usually occurred flight situations. “50 Real-World Pilot Tips” is a useful quick-read on any pilot’s bookshelf.
7. You Can Be A Pilot! Answers to 25 Popular Questions About Learning To Fly by Chris Findley |
Great news for the beginner pilots who are still in the learning process: there is a book which could answer all the basic questions about flying. Flight Instructor Chris Findley leads the reader through 25 of the most common questions about learning to fly what will help the training process to be much easier and clear. The book is well worth to read by a beginner pilot as the source of inspiration and self-confidence.
8. Fly the wing by Jim Webb |
One more addition to the professional literature list! Written in an easy, conversational style, the book provides pilots with valuable tools and proven techniques for all flight operations and advanced aviation. Those pilots who are planning a career in aviation will find many useful insights and references which progress from ground school equipment and procedures, to simulators, to real flight.
9. Squawk 7700 by Peter M. Buffington |
Back to the fiction literature, this aviation autobiography, written by Peter M. Buffington, provides a side look to the pilot’s journey achieving a professional airline pilot career: from small town student pilot to the right seat of a regional passenger airliner. Sight from the pilot’s seat reveals many interesting details of daily operations within the aviation industry, and the struggles flight crew members face to maintain their lifestyles. This book is a great opportunity to refresh your own experience in seeking pilot career or even to learn more from the author’s examples.
10. Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry |
This great aviation fiction piece made the celebrated French aviator famous. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a 1930s airline pilot who flew the north African and south Atlantic mail routes. During the long hours in the cockpit he had enough time to accumulate experience and reflections which could be fit into the “Night Flight”. The novel narrates the story of the pilot who conducted night mail planes from Patagonia, Chile, and Paraguay to Argentina in the early days of commercial aviation. The book is inspiring for every pilot by sharing a unique magic of piloting an airplane.
At the same time being entertaining and oriented to aviation, these books are well worth to read for pilots as the extension of professional skills and knowledge, as well as professional inspiration while working in aviation field. For your convenience, some of these books could be also found in audio format. So benefit your pilot career with the free time reading list!